Timor Coffee

Timor-Leste Coffee Price information

Please note, this list is a collaborative list, and is a work in progress. If you have any information to add, or information that is different to that we have received, please get in contact and we will update the list.


For reference, the Fairtrade International price for arabica coffee is $1.35 per pound, which is $2.97 per kg green bean, plus a 44 cents per kg (of green bean) premium. There is also an organic differential of 30 cents/lb (66 cents/kg).


BuyerCoffee CherryParchmentGreen BeanFairtrade accreditation?linksCountries sold inCompanies that sell this coffee
Café Letefoho (Cafe Brisa Serena/Peace Winds Japan)Equivalent to 50 cents per kg$2.50 per kgEquivalent to $3.13 per kgNOwww.marketdevelopmentfacility.orgJapan
ATT (purchased by tradewinds Australia/WithOneBean)Equivalent to 47 cents per kg$2.35Equivalent to $2.94 per kgNOwww.withonebean.org.au

PARCIC (supporting COCAMAU cooperative)Equivalent to 47 cents per kg$2.35Equivalent to $2.94 per kgNOwww.parcic.orgJapanPARCIC (Tokyo)
Wild Timor CoffeeEquivalent to 46 cents per kg$2.30 ($2.20 to farmers and 10c to community fund)Equivalent to $2.88 per kgNOwww.wildtimorcoffee.comAustraliaWild Timor Coffee
Timor Corp (Olam)Equivalent to 36 cents per kg $1.80 per kgEquivalent to $2.25 per kgNOwww.timorcorp.com?
CCT35 cents per kg*
Equivalent to $1.75 per kgEquivalent to $2.19 per kgYESwwwfairtradeusa.orgAmerica
(likely others as well)
Coffee brokersEquivalent to 25 cents per kg$1.25 per kgEquivalent to $1.56 per kgn/a


*Note on CCT prices. We have had reports of 25 cents per kg, but think these may be prices paid by brokers, as we have quite strong info that the official CCT price this year is 35 cents/kg.

Some Research on Timor Fairtrade coffee

Timothy P. Dzurilla. 2017. Fair Trade Pathways: Historical Institutionalism, Transnational Welfare Networks, and Fair Trade Impact on Coffee Producers in Nicaragua and East Timor. PhD Thesis, University of Connecticut. http://opencommons.uconn.edu/dissertations/1486


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